A live weekly radio adventure through Indiana history with host Nelson Price.
Show airs live noon to 1 p.m. ET each Saturday on WICR 88.7 FM in Indianapolis.
Hoosier History Live newsletter and podcast archive
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December 5, 2020 - Rising Sun and Indiana's smallest county
Keywords: Ohio County, Riverfront Park, Ohio River, Rising Sun Historic District, Ohio County Courthouse, Cliff Thies (guest), Ohio County Historical Society, Rising Sun History Museum, Rees Harps, Harpsicle, Samuel Best, German immigrants, Hoosier Boy (boat), J.W. Whitlock. Click here to listen to the podcast.
November 28, 2020 - Have you heard of The Hoosier Hot Shots? encore
Keywords: Gene Autry, Three Stooges, Gennett Studios, Richmond, Otto "Gave" Ward", Ken Trietsch, Paul "Hezzie" Trietsch, Frank Kettering, Todd Gould (guest), David Heighway (guest), Great Depression, World War II, Hamilton County, Rube Band. Click here to listen to the podcast.
November 21, 2020 - Historic crimes: cases involving the electric chair, "Gun Girl," a mayor and more
Keywords: Elwood, Ind., Great Depression, No Place Like Murder (book), Janice Thorton (guest), John Chirka, Harry Rasico, electric chair, Indiana State Prison, Samuel Ralston, Isabelle Messmer, Sarah Shenkenberger, Kokomo mayor Henry Cole. Click here to listen to the podcast.
November 14, 2020 -Wilbur Wright's Indiana connections, other aviation pioneers
Keywords: Wilbur and Orville Wright, Wright Brothers, Millville, Ind., Indiana Aviation Hall of Fame, Roscoe Turner, James Allison, Carl Fisher, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Frank Borman, David Newill (guest), Bruce Montigney (guest), Wilbur Wright Memorial Birthplace, Lawrence Bell, Bell Aircraft Corp, Chuck Yeager, William "Pete" Night. Click here to listen to the podcast.
November 7, 2020 - The legacy of Ron Spencer and Theatre on the Square
Keywords: Ron Spencer, Byaan Fonseca, Joan Crawford, Christina Crawford, Indianapolis Fringe Festival, Mildred Pierce, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Bette Davis, Terrence McNally, George Winters, Jeannie Logan (guest), Bill Book (guest), Fountain Square, Mass Ave. Click here to listen to the podcast.
October 31, 2020 - Musical instrument-making heritage in Indiana
Keywords: C.G. Conn, Armstrong Flutes, Bach Brass, Selmer Woodwinds, Buescher Band Instruments, Gemeinhardt Flutes, David Steele, Jim Catalano (guests), Ulysses G. Leedy, Purdue University All-American Marching Band. Click here to listen to the podcast.
October 24, 2020 - Influenza epidemic of 1918-19: The second and third waves, recovery
Keywords: Pandemic, Dr. William McNiece and Bill Beck (guests), Marion County Historical Society, World War I, Armistice Day, Dr. Herman Morgan, Fort Harrison, Camp Sherman. Click here to listen to the podcast.
October 17, 2020 - Haunting tales about historic places and people
Keywords: Newcastle, Catherine Winters, abduction, Indiana statehouse haunting, Indiana Supreme Court Justice James Emmert, Cambridge City, Old National Road, General Sol Meredith, Iron Brigade, Terre Haute, Stiffy Green, Highland Lawn Cemetery, Vigo County Historical Society, Overbeck House and Studio, Al Hunter (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
October 10, 2020 - Historic photographers and their studios
Keywords: Brownie camera, New Harmony, Joan Hostetler (guest), Indiana Album, Indiana Photographers Project, McDonald Studio, W.H. Bass Photo Co, James Miles Wattles, Theophilus Wylie. Click here to listen to the podcast.
October 3, 2020 - Attica, Ind., and its historic, endangered downtown
Keywords: Indiana Landmarks, Ten Most Endangered Places list, Wabash & Erie Canal, Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, Devon Theater, Attical Downtown Historic District, Tommy Kleckner (guest), Lexxi Haddock (guest), Poston Brick Company, Cottrell Village. Click here to listen to the podcast.
September 26, 2020 - KKK dominance in 1920s Indiana
Keywords: Ku Klux Klan, D.C. Stephenson, James Madison (guest), The Ku Klux Klan in the Heartland, lynching, Catholics, Kokomo, Hamilton County, University of Notre Dame. Click here to listen to the podcast.
September 19, 2020 - Show pre-empted by WICR-FM's broadcast of Rosh Hashanah services.
September 12, 2020 - Ask Nelson and Ray Boomhower about WW II-era Hoosiers... and more
Keywords: Ray Boomhower (guest), World War II, Black aviators, African-American, Freeman Field, 477th Bombardment Group, John bushemi, Nancy Noel, Llandfair, Immaculate Heart of Mary school, Norman Vandivier, Battle of Midway, David Shoup, Battle of Tarawa, Elmer Davis, Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs), Marty Wyall, Margaret Ray Ringenberg. Click here to listen to the podcast.
September 5, 2020 - Wawasee and Maxinkuckee, resort lakes in northern Indiana: encore
Keywords: Syracuse, Kosciusko County, Culver, Marshall County, The Spink, Vonnegut family, Cole Porter, Booth Tarkington, Miami Indians, Potawatomi Indians, Charles Braun (guest), Jeff Kenney (guest), Culver Military Academy, Oakwood Resort, Wawasee Waltz. Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 29, 2020 - International opera star Angela Brown, trailblazer
Keywords: Metropolitan Opera, Crispus Attucks High School, Jacobs School of Music, Freddie Mae's Daughter, Opera from a Sistah's Point of View, Melanated Moments in Classical Music, Indianapolis Opera, Morning Brown, Robert Fleck, Richard Danielpour, Anselme Blaise Argelier, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Carmel Symphony Orchestra, Indianapolis Public Schools Hall of Fame. Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 22, 2020 -Women's suffrage in Indiana: the myths
Keywords: 19th Amendment, Anita Morgan (guest), Madam C.J. Walker, Terre Haute Council of Jewish Women, Quakers, May Wright Sewall, Zerelda Wallace, InIndiana Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission. Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 15, 2020 - Drive-in movie theaters
Keywords: Westlake Drive-in, Indianapolis, Tibbs Drive-in, Eric Grayson (guest), Twin-Aire Drive-in, Centerbrook Drive-in, Skyline Drive-in, Shadeland Drive-in, 13-24 Drive-in. Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 8, 2020 - Olympians with intriguing pre- and post-games lives
Keywords: Tokyo Summer Games, David Woods (guest), Indiana University Olympians (IU Press), Dr. Greg Bell, Milt Campbell, Lesley Bush, Hobie Billingsley, James "Doc" Counsilma, Mike Troy, Don Lash, Fred Wilt, Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 1, 2020 - Snakes slithering across Indiana
Keywords: watermoccasin, cottonmouth, Nate Engbrecht (guest), gartersnake, copperhead, grey rat snake, eastern hog-nosed snake, glass lizard, Indiana Dunes, watersnake, eastern milksnake, Dekay's brownsnake. Click here to listen to the podcast.
July 25, 2020 - Indiana Beach History
Keywords: Lake Shafer, Monticello, Earl Spackman, Joy Spackman Bailey (guest), W.C. Madden (guest), Hoosier Hurricane, White County. Click here to listen to the podcast.
July 18, 2020 - Disney animator Bill Peet, illustrator and children's book author
Keywords: Arsenal Technical High School, John Herron Institute of Art, Disney Studios, Disney movies, Walt Disney, Ken Avidor (guest), Emerson Heights neighborhood, Great Depression. Click here to listen to the podcast.
July 11, 2020 - Astronaut food and other unexpected links between the space program and Indiana
Keywords: Mercury 7 astronauts, Purdue University, NASA, SpaceX, International Space Station, John Norberg (guest), Karen Pearson Ross, Jerry Ross, Dr. Steve Beering, Beth Moses, Virgil "Gus" Grissom. Click here to listen to the podcast.
July 4, 2020 - Racial justice in 1820s Indiana: Slave trial and Fall Creek Massacre - encore
Keywords: African Americans, Native Americans, Mary Bateman Clark, Gen. Washington Johnston Vincennes, Indiana Supreme Court, Indiana Constitution, Eunice Trotter (guest), Polly Strong, Maxine Brown, Madison County, David Thomas Murphy (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
June 27, 2020 - Confederate monument in Indy and Camp Morton
Keywords: Civil War, Camp Morton, Garfield Park, Steve Towne (guest), Paul Mullins (guest), Ophelia Wellington (guest), Freetown Village, Crown Hill Cemetery, Herron-Morton Place Neighborhood, Southern Club of Indianapolis, Woodlawn Cemetery. Click here to listen to the podcast.
June 20, 2020 -A second serving of foods of the pioneers
Keywords: Sheryl Vanderstel (guest), Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, Irvington Historical Society. Click here to listen to the podcast.
June 13, 2020 - Ellis Island, immigration and Indiana: encore
Keywords: Immigration, President Benjamin Harrison, Jennifer Capps (guest), Teresa Baer (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
June 6, 2020 - Early malaria epidemic in Indy, plus past visions for city's future
Keywords: malaria, epidemic, Jeff Bennett (guest), Dr. Isaac Coe, Plague Cemetery, City Market, Lockerbie Fair, Indiana Landmarks, Alexander Ralston. Click here to listen to the podcast.
May 30, 2020 - Tamika Catchings, history maker: encore
Keywords: Indiana Fever, Basketball Hall of Fame, Kobe Bryant, Catch the Stars Foundation, Tea's Me Cafe, Parnell Smith, Harvy Catchings, WNBA, Tony Dungy. Click here to listen to the podcast.
May 23, 2020 -Hoosiers who competed in early Indy 500s: encore
Keywords: Indianapolis 500, Joe Dawson, Charlie Merz, Howdy Wilcox, Mark Dill (guest), Ray Harroun, Marmon car, Barney Oldfield, Carl Fisher, "Farmer" Bill Endicott, Scott Goodyear, Tommy Kinkaid, Arthur Newby. Click here to listen to the podcast.
May 16, 2020 - Where did your county's name come from?
Keywords: Native Americans, Revolutionary War, Charles Braun (guest), Marquis de Lafayette, Indiana Place Names, Lenape heritage. Click here to listen to the podcast.
May 9, 2020 - Columbus icon J. Irwin Miller's life and impact
Keywords: Columbus, Indiana, Cummins Engine Company, Nancy Kriplen (guest), mid-century modern architecture, Miller House, Joseph Irwin, Clessie Cummins, First Christian Church, North Christian Church. Click here to listen to the podcast.
May 2, 2020 -Population and demographic shifts in Indiana
Keywords: U.S. Census, Matt Kinghorn (guest), Indiana Business Research Center, birth rates, diversity. Click here to listen to the podcast.
April 25, 2020 -Sears Roebuck catalog and Sears kit homes: encore
Keywords: Sears kit homes, Montgomery Ward, Paul Diebold (guest), Glory-June Greiff, (guest), Prophetstown State Park, . Click here to listen to the podcast.
April 18, 2020 -Epidemics in Indiana history: encore
Keywords: Epidemiology, malaria, influenza, cholera, polio, AIDS, tuberculosis, swine flu, Dr. William McNiece (guest), Bill Beck (guest), Plague Cemetery, Indiana Medical History Museum. Click here to listen to the podcast.
April 11, 2020 - Foods of the pioneers
Keywords: Food history, Irvington Historical Society, Jerusalem artichokes, salsify, pattypans, Sheryl Vanderstel (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
April 4, 2020 - Tree planting crusades in Indy, beginning in 1850s
Keywords: Trees, Earth Day, Shade Tree Association of Indianapolis, Monument Circle, trees for Tomorrow, Presidential Place Park, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Charles Deam, Ed Fujawa (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
March 28, 2020 - Farm wives of the mid to late 1800s
Keywords: Women's History Month, Society of Indiana Pioneers, Tippecanoe County, Hancock County, Morgan Lee Wilson (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
March 21, 2020 - Roadhouses, stills and blind tigers
Keywords: Prohibition, 18th Amendment, Steve Barnett (guest), Glory-June Greiff (guest), National Road, Simeon "Sim" Coy. Podcast delayed due to technical problems.
March 14, 2020 -Earliest years of Indiana basketball
Keywords: High school basketball, James Naismith, Crawfordsville High School, Lebanon High School, Season of Upsets (book), Chandler Lighty (guest), Matt Werner (guest). .Click here to listen to the podcast.
March 7, 2020 -Women's Suffrage: strides, setbacks and a first lady's role
Keywords: Women's History Month, Virginia Jenckes, Leonora Uhl Flynn, Zerelda Wallace, Indiana Women's Suffrage Centennial, 19th Amendment, Lisa Hendrickson (guest), Larry Paarlberg (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Feb. 29, 2020 -Flourishing at 90-something: encore
Keywords: elderly Hoosiers, senior citizens, Special Olympics, Madam Walker Legacy Center, World War II, Ransom Place neighborhood Georgia Buchanan (guest), Tom Ridley (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Feb. 22, 2020 -Ask Nelson - and Chris May, too - about high school basketball history and more
Keywords: Indiana high school basketball, Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame, Diamond Chain Company, Bill Berberian, West Lafayette High School. Click here to listen to the podcast.
Feb. 15, 2020 - Vonnegut and an array of misconceptions
Keywords: Kurt Vonnegut, Clemens Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, German Freethinkers, Julia Whitehead (guest), Dan Simon (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Feb. 8, 2020 - The life and impact of Rev. Boniface Hardin
Keywords: Boniface Hardin, African-American history, Martin University, Holy Angels Perish, St. Meinrad Seminary, Joseph Smith Sr (guest), Nancy Chism (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Feb. 1, 2020 - Studebakers: the brothers, the cars and the legacy
Keywords: Studebaker, automotive history, Studebaker National Museum, Andy Beckman (guest), Bob Palma (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Jan. 25, 2020 - A collector's guide to Indianapolis memorabilia
Keywords: ephemera, collecting, Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Woodfruff Place Flea Market, Midland Arts & Antiques Market, Antiques Roadshow, Charles Alexander (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Jan. 18, 2020 - Women's suffrage crusade in Indiana and beyond
Keywords: voting rights, 19th Amendment, Dublin, Indiana Women's Suffrage Centennial, Sally Perkins (guest), Jill Chambers (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Jan. 11, 2020 - The legacy of Indy native James Baskett and Song of the South
Keywords: African-American history, Disney, Frederick Douglass, Mick Armbruster (guest host), Eric Grayson (guest), Ophelia Wellington (guest), Brer Rabbit. Click here to listen to the podcast.
Jan 4, 2020 - Centennial of Indy in 1920, Bicentennial era in 2020-21
Keywords: Indianapolis, Indianapolis Bicentennial Commission, Indiana General Assembly, Deputy Mayor Jeff Bennett (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast
Dec. 28, 2019 - Restaurants: the old, the new and their souvenirs
Keywords: Indianapolis Monthly magazine, Taxman Brewing Company, Cityway, Clancy's, Bottleworks, Poe Brothers Cafeteria, Ike and Jonesy's, Wholesale District, Flatiron Building, Elbow Room, Terry Kirtz (guest). Click here to listen to the podcast.
Dec. 21, 2019 - Early railroads in Indiana: encore
Keywords: Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad, Forging the Bee Line Railroad, 1848-1889, Madison and Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Bureau, Union Depot, Union Station, Oliver H. Smith, Andy Olson (guest), Dr. Francis Parker(guest),
Click here to listen to the podcast.
Dec. 14, 2019 - Meridian Street mansions in Indy history
Keywords: North Meridian Historic District, Meridian Street Foundation,
Kassie Ritman (guest), Peggy Sabens (guest), Booth Tarkington, Tarkington Towers, Dodd's Townhouse, Click here to listen to the podcast.
Dec. 7, 2019 - The Case of the December Bride and other crimes from Indy police files
Keywords: Carrie Romig, Harold Romig, Patrick Pearsey (guest), Sgt. James Pearsey, Case of the Dynamiters, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Prohibition,Indianapolis Public Library, Click here to listen to the podcast.
Nov. 30, 2019 - James Whitcomb Riley: Before he was famous - encore Click here to listen to the podcast.
Nov 23, 2019 - Eugene V. Debs: Hoosier Socialist, five-time presidential candidate: Click here to listen to the podcast.
Nov 16, 2019 - Rare plants and animals in Indiana Click here to listen to the podcast.
Nov. 9, 2019 - The Census: Tips for using in historic research Click here to listen to the podcast.
Nov. 2, 2019 - (encore presentation) - Racial justice in 1820s Indiana: Slave trial and Fall Creek Massacre Click here to listen to the podcast.
Oct. 26, 2019- Spiders galore Click here to listen to the podcast.
Oct. 19, 2019 - Another plunge into the White River Click here to listen to the podcast.
Oct. 12, 2019 - Police department history in Indy Click here to listen to the podcast.
Oct. 5, 2019 - Greencastle history Click here to listen to the podcast.
Sept. 28, 2019 - (encore presentation) - Adventures in personal DNA testing Click here to listen to the podcast.
Sept. 21, 2019 - Ask Nelson - and Reid Duffy, too Click here to listen to the podcast.
Sept. 14, 2019 - Historic homes: Tips for buying, restoring and maintaining Click here to listen to the podcast.
Sept. 7, 2019 - Toys in the attic Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 31, 2019 - On the road to Lincoln-related sites Click here to listen to the podcast.
August 24, 2019 - Bootleg King and his Indiana connections
August 17, 2019 - Breaking Away at 40 with Dave Blase
August 10, 2019 - Indianapolis Indians history with Max Schumacher and Mark Montieth
August 3, 2019 - (encore presentation) - Reno Brothers, notorious train robbers
July 27, 2019 - Hoosier horticultural heritage
July 20, 2019 - Broad Ripple High School history
July 13, 2019 - White River history
July 6, 2019 - Electoral College upset, souvenir hunters and no campaigning: 1888 and 1892 presidential races
June 29, 2019 - (encore presentation) - Violent early era of Fishers
June 22, 2019 - The Indiana Dunes
June 15, 2019 - Earliest settlers of Indianapolis
June 8, 2019 - German freethinkers in Indy
June 1, 2019 - From pathology building to medical history museum
May 25, 2019 - Influential women in 1920s: Their enduring vision for culture and children in Indy
May 18, 2019 - (encore presentation) - Brothels and streetwalkers in pre-1920 Indy
May 11, 2019 - Willy T. Ribbs on making Indy 500 history
May 4, 2019 - Lakes, lakes and more northern Indiana lakes
April 27, 2019 - A tour guide's fun facts about Indy 500 and pageantry
April 20, 2019 - Former Supreme Court Chief Justice Randy Shepard on historic preservation
April 13, 2019 - An artist who confronted segregation, and other painters
April 6, 2019 - Distinctive historic homes
Mar. 30, 2019 - A multi-talented composer called Sinky and other captivating musicians
Mar. 23, 2019 - Claypool Hotel and Hotel Lincoln: bygone Indy landmarks
Mar. 16, 2019- Ask Nelson - plus the founding of Heartland Film Festival, Twin Aire history and more
Mar. 9, 2019- Interstate highway construction and its impact on Indianapolis
Mar. 2, 2019 - (encore presentation) - Historic women in science
Feb 23, 2019 - Former Indy Mayor Ballard on electric car history and more
Feb. 16, 2019 - Movies with obscure Indiana connections
Feb. 9, 2019 - Roots tracing for African Americans
Feb. 2, 2019 - French Lick, West Baden and The Wright Brothers
Jan 26, 2019 - Indiana's Civil War governor and his historic house
Jan. 19, 2019 - Rev. Martin Luther King's visits to Indiana
Jan. 12, 2019 - ???
Jan. 5, 2019 - Avriel Shull, trail-blazing home builder and designer
Dec. 29, 2018 - Tip of the hat to New Year's celebrations of yore, supper clubs and more
Dec. 22, 2018 - (encore presentation) - Rock and roll across 1960s Indiana with Jimmy Mack
Dec. 15, 2018 - Town history of Santa Claus, Ind., and children's letters
Dec. 8, 2018 - Iconic signs across Indiana
Dec. 1, 2018 - Cumberland Gap and Hoosier pioneers
Nov. 24, 2018 - Artwork inspired by Indy city history
Nov. 17, 2018 - Cryptology, kindergarten and farmwife advice: Hoosier visionaries
Nov. 10, 2018 - Sears Roebuck catalog and Sears kit homes
Nov. 3, 2018 - (encore presentation) - Covered bridges across Indiana
Oct. 27, 2018 - Halloween heritage in Irvington
Oct. 20, 2018 - How to get teens to care about historic buildings
Oct. 13, 2018 - Have you heard of The Hoosier Hot Shots?
Oct. 6, 2018 - Chautauquas across Indiana, then and now
Sept. 29, 2018 - World War II vets and their insights
Sept. 22, 2018 - (encore presentation) - Epidemics in Indiana history
Sept. 15, 2018 - Early Mexican heritage in Indiana
Sept. 8, 2018 - Early French influence in the territory that became Indiana
Sept. 1, 2018 - County homes, once known as "poor asylums"
Aug. 25, 2018 - Ask Nelson - and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, too
Aug. 18, 2018 - Weir Cook and Paul Baer: WWI aviators and former aiport namesakes
Aug. 11, 2018 - Potawatomi Trail of Death in 1838
Aug. 4, 2018 - Fort Wayne: riverfront heritage and historic building reuse
July 28, 2018 - Wawasee and Maxinkuckee: resort lakes in northern Indiana
July 21, 2018 - (encore presentation) - Roadside motels, bygone Americana: Encore presentation
July 14, 2018 - Lighthouse heritage and the Eastland maritime tragedy
July 7, 2018 - Ellis Island, immigration and Indiana
June 30, 2018 - Girl Scouts evolution with Deborah Hearn Smith
June 23, 2018- Eagle Creek Park, Broad Ripple Park and other Indy park histories
June 16, 2018 - Superhero heritage in Indiana
June 9, 2018 - (encore presentation) How to furnish an historic home: Encore presentation
June 2, 2018 - Great American Songbook Foundation's evolution
May 26, 2018 - International aspects of early Indy 500s
May 19, 2018 - Famous but forgotten: Indiana writer George Ade
May 12, 2018 - Richmond Hill explosion of 2012
May 5, 2018 - Movie versions of Hoosier novels
April 28, 2018 - Madam Walker: news about her legacy
April 21, 2018 - (encore presentation) Zionsville town history
April 14, 2018 - Reno Brothers, notorious train robbers
April 7, 2018 - Faculty war of 1832: Early IU history
Mar. 31, 2018 - Women who influenced Indiana Avenue jazz
Mar. 24, 2018 - Flourishing at 90-something
Mar. 17, 2018 - Irish heritage in Indiana
Mar. 10, 2018- Ask Nelson: High school mascots, first ladies of Indiana and more
Mar. 3, 2018 - (encore presentation) - Women military veterans and memoirs
Feb. 24, 2018- Weather history with Paul Poteet
Feb 17, 2018 - Frederick Douglass and his Indiana connections
Feb. 10, 2018 - African-American health care during the early and mid-1900s
Feb. 3, 2018 - Health fads, diets and healing techniques during the Gilded Age
Jan. 27, 2018 From the scrap heap of history: the Jewish salvage industry in Indiana
Jan. 20, 2018 - Indy wife of Treasure Island's Robert Louis Stevenson
Jan. 13, 2018 - House of Tomorrow and other 1933 Chicago World's Fair homes
Jan. 6, 2018 - Cowboy actors and Trigger's owner: Indiana natives
Dec. 30, 2017 - Bygone restaurants and supper clubs in Indy: the sequel
Dec 23, 2017 - Toys, toys and more toy heritage: encore broadcast
Dec. 16, 2017 - Vietnam War and Hoosiers: special perspectives
Dec. 9, 2017 - Peace heritage in Indiana
Dec. 2, 2017 - Pioneer music in early Indiana: encore presentation
Nov. 25, 2017 - Early era of the Indiana Pacers
Nov 18, 2017 - The Titanic and Hoosiers: encore presentation
Nov. 11, 2017 - World War II and Hoosiers: special perspectives
Nov. 4, 2017 - Adventures in personal DNA testing
Oct. 28, 2017 - ???
Oct 21, 2017 - "Old as Dirt" with a trio of Indiana garden writers
Oct. 14, 2017 - Ian Fraser: a gay humanist reflects on life in 1950s Indianapolis
Oct. 7, 2017 - Bloomington in the 1960s
Sept. 30, 2017 - ???
Sept. 23, 2017 - Cannon Ball Baker, dynamic motorcycle pioneer
Sept 16, 2017 - Korean immigration to Indiana
Sept. 9, 2017 - The violent early history of Fishers
Sept. 2, 2017 - Frank Sinatra, the Great American Songbook and Indiana
Aug. 26, 2017 - Burger Chef, White Castle and other fast-food connections to Indiana
Aug. 19, 2017 - Switzerland County and living on the Ohio River - encore
Aug. 12, 2017 - Persimmons and pawpaws with Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp
Aug. 5, 2017 - Chuck Taylor shoes, Wonder Bread and Alka-Seltzer: iconic products
July 29, 2017 - Massachusetts Avenue in Indy history
July 22, 2017 - Little-known stories of Hoosiers in the Civil War
July 15, 2017 - Tamika Catchings, history maker
July 8, 2017 - Brothels and streetwalkers in pre-1920 Indy
July 1, 2017 - Janet Allen, IRT history and the Indiana Theatre
June 24, 2017 - Ask Nelson - and a top environmentalist, too
June 17, 2017 - Johnson County's restored historic buildings
June 10, 2017 - The Redheads and all-female bands of 1920s, '30s - encore
June 3, 2017 - Presidential campaigns: The controversies, the extremes and the mishaps
May 27, 2017 - On the Banks vs. Back Home Again
May 20, 2017 - From our archive: Johnny Appleseed and Graverobbers
May 13, 2017 - World War I and Hoosier involvement
May 6, 2017 - Insect heritage: the As to Zzzzzs
April 29, 2017 - Films of Little Orphant Annie, Milan basketball and more
April 22, 2017 - Forests, forests and more forests
April 15, 2017 - (encore presentation) African-American newspapers across Indiana and Indiana KKK in the 1920s
April 8, 2017 - Italians during WWII and Camp Atterbury history
April 1, 2017 - Early railroads in Indiana
March 25, 2017 (encore presentation) - Columbus architecture and city history
March 18, 2017 - Health care during the Gilded Age
March 11, 2017 - Historic women in science
March 4, 2017 - Shortridge High School history
Feb 24, 2017 - (encore presentation) - How to excite young people about history
Feb 18, 2017 - Murals of famous Hoosiers
Feb. 11, 2017 - Tuskegee Airmen and Indiana connections
Feb. 4, 2017 - Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Atheneum, landmark status
Jan. 28, 2017 - Indiana's first governor and first lady
Jan. 21, 2017 - Ask Nelson - and President B. Harrison Site CEO, too
Jan. 14, 2017 - How did Copperheads and Union supporters coexist?
Jan. 7, 2017 - Bicentennial wrap-up
Dec. 31, 2016 - Bygone restaurants in Indy
Dec. 24, 2016 - (Show pre-empted for holiday music.)
Dec. 17, 2016 - Jazz notables from Indy history - a sequel
Dec. 10, 2016 - Rock and roll across 1960s Indiana
Dec. 3, 2016 (encore presentation) - Shopping center history in Indy
Nov. 26, 2016 - Modern political history in Indiana with Jim Shella
Nov. 19, 2016 - Hampton Sisters, other families in Indy jazz history
Nov. 12, 2016 - Zionsville town history
Nov. 5, 2016 (encore presentation) - Maps of Indiana
Oct. 29, 2016 - Capital move from Corydon to Indy and early roads
Oct. 22, 2016 - Sculpting famous Hoosiers
Oct. 15, 2016 - Live from Hoosier Homecoming
Oct. 8, 2016 - Notorious murders in 1868 near White River
Oct. 1, 2016 - All about Ben-Hur
Sept. 24, 2016 - Landmark buildings reborn as schools
Sept. 17, 2016 (encore presentation) - Two sensational murders in the 1920s
Sept. 10, 2016 - Moravian heritage of Hope, Indiana
Sept. 3, 2016 - Ask Nelson - and Bob Hammel, too
Aug. 27, 2016 - History of police training in Indiana
Aug. 20, 2016 - Calvin Fletcher, first major Indianapolis civic leader
Aug. 13, 2016 - Political campaign memorabilia from Indiana history
Aug. 6, 2016 - Unheralded historic Olympians from Indiana
July 30, 2016 - Bicentennial: today's projects, yesterday's innovators
July 23, 2016 - Unheralded heroes of the Underground Railroad
July 16, 2016 - Bygone natural landmarks
July 9, 2016 - Latvian and Lithuanian heritage
July 2, 2016 - The wives of artist T.C. Steele
June 25, 2016 - Astronauts and Purdue
June 18, 2016 - The grave in the road
June 11, 2016 - Bicentennial bucket list
June 4, 2016 - World War II vets look back
May 28, 2016 - Roadside architecture
May 21, 2016 (encore presentation) - Postcards from Indiana
May 14, 2016 - 'Hoosiers' vs. 'Indianans'
May 7, 2016 - [Show was pre-empted.]
April 30, 2016 - Hoosiers who competed in early Indy 500s
April 23, 2016 - A bicentennial guide to backroads Indiana
April 16, 2016 - Merle Bettenhausen on his racing family
April 9, 2016 - Columbus architecture and city history
April 2, 2016 - Historic markers across Indiana
March 26, 2016 - Monika Herzig on Indiana women jazz musicians
March 19, 2016 - James Alexander Thom on 1865 steamboat tragedy
March 12, 2016 - Ask Nelson and fellow author Doug Wissing
March 5, 2016 - Women military veterans and memoirs
Feb. 27, 2016 (encore presentation) - How to furnish an historic home
Feb. 20, 2016 - What did Indiana look like 200 years ago?
Feb. 13, 2016 - Maps of Indiana
Feb. 6, 2016 - At age 93, memories of Walker Theatre, Indiana Avenue and more
Jan. 30, 2016 - Toys, toys and more toy heritage
Jan. 23, 2016 - First Lady Karen Pence on Indiana's bicentennial
Jan. 16, 2016 - How to excite young people about history
Jan. 9, 2016 - Hidden history treasures
Jan. 2, 2016 - 200 years, 200 influential Hoosiers
Dec. 26, 2015 (encore presentation) - Families and children: evolution of outreach
Dec. 19, 2015 - Shopping center history in Indy
Dec. 12, 2015 - Jingle Bell Rock and Indiana's Bobby Helms
Dec. 5, 2015 (encore presentation) - Scottish heritage in Indiana
Nov. 28, 2015 - Dan Wakefield on the home front during WWII
Nov. 21, 2015 - Ask Nelson - and Indy Star's history reporter
Nov. 14, 2015 - Kurt Vonnegut's siblings
Nov. 7, 2015 (encore presentation) - Epidemics in Indiana history
Oct. 31, 2015 - Race relations in 1950s Indy: rare perspectives
Oct. 24, 2015 (encore presentation) - Serving up Hoosier heritage food
Oct. 17, 2015 - Persian/Iranian heritage in Indiana
Oct. 10, 2015 -
Camp Chesterfield and Spiritualism history
Oct. 3, 2015 - Greensburg and Decatur County history
Sept. 26, 2015 -
Mormon heritage in Indiana
Sept. 19, 2015 (encore presentation) -
Lenape (Delaware) Indian heritage in Indiana
Sept. 12, 2015 - Wendell Willkie, unlikely presidential candidate of 1940
Sept. 5, 2015 - Bicentennial projects across Indiana, both upcoming and completed
Aug. 29, 2015 - Impact of Bobby Kennedy's speech in 1968
Aug. 22, 2015 - Plainfield and Brownsburg town histories
Aug. 15, 2015 - Postcards from Indiana
Aug. 8, 2015 (encore presentation) - Natural gas boom of 1880s and '90s
Aug. 1, 2015 - History of women's voting rights
July 25, 2015 - Jeanne White-Ginder, Ryan's mom
July 18, 2015 - Two sensational murders in the 1920s
July 11, 2015 - Vinyl records and albums: play 'em again
July 4, 2015 - Colorful Indiana-born baseball players
June 27, 2015 - YMCA heritage
June 20, 2015 - Insects and Indiana
June 13, 2015 (encore presentation) - Flag of Indy, anthem, 'Indiana' movie and other symbolism
June 6, 2015 - Quilting heritage
May 30, 2015 - Roadside motels: bygone Americana
May 23, 2015 - Ernie Pyle and John Bartlow Martin, journalists
May 16, 2015 - What's in our State Archives?
May 9, 2015 - [Show was pre-empted.]
May 2, 2015 - Abe Martin's creator, Kin Hubbard
April 25, 2015 - HIV history in Indiana
April 18, 2015 - Ask Nelson - and gardener Jo Ellen, too
April 11, 2015 - Morel mushrooms, ramps and other foraging foods
April 4, 2015 - Donald Davidson on Clark, Carnegie and more
March 28, 2015 (encore presentation) - Interurbans: Their rise and fall across Indiana
March 21, 2015 - History of Indiana women's prisons
March 14, 2015 - [Show was pre-empted.]
March 7, 2015 - Landmarks across Indiana with Marsh Davis
Feb. 28, 2015 - Reflections of World War II veterans
Feb. 21, 2015 - Civil War and African Americans in Indiana
Feb. 14, 2015 - Victorian mourning and the Lincoln funeral train
Feb. 7, 2015 - Bart Peterson, former Indy mayor
Jan. 31, 2015 - Guinness World Records and Hoosiers
Jan. 24, 2015 - Figure skating heritage in Indiana
Jan. 17, 2015 - William Forsyth's colorful life, plus Portfolio Club history
Jan. 10, 2015 - How to furnish an historic home
Jan. 3, 2015 - Scottish heritage in Indiana
Dec. 27, 2014 (encore presentation; no weekly newsletter) - Lost cemeteries
Dec. 20, 2014 - Families and children: evolution of outreach
Dec. 13, 2014 - Johnny Wooden: Hoosier hoops icon
Dec. 6, 2014 (encore presentations) - Rare movies with Indiana connections + Danville history
Nov. 29, 2014 - Jennings County and Vernon
Nov. 22, 2014 - James Whitcomb Riley: before he was famous
Nov. 15, 2014 - Epidemics in Indiana history
Nov. 8, 2014 - Kidnapping of free blacks in early Indiana
Nov. 1, 2014 (encore presentation) - Amish in Indiana
Oct. 25, 2014 - Historic women's groups
Oct. 18, 2014 - Marketing Indiana - and the lieutenant governor
Oct. 11, 2014 - Ask Nelson - and the Hoosierist, too
Sept. 27, 2014 - World War I and Indiana
Sept. 20, 2014 - History of TV in Indy
Sept. 13, 2014 - Historian Jim Madison's insights on Hoosiers
Sept. 6, 2014 - Prohibition in Indiana
Aug. 30, 2014 - Serving up Hoosier heritage food
Aug. 23, 2014 (encore presentation) - Underground Railroad reality and myths
Aug. 16, 2014 - Lenape (Delaware) Indian heritage in Indiana
Aug. 9, 2014 - The Redheads and all-girl bands of 1920s, '30s
Aug. 2, 2014 - Russian immigration
July 26, 2014 (encore presentation) - Indy Mayor Ballard on Marines history and 'old' Cathedral High
July 19, 2014 - From family grocers to supermarkets
July 12, 2014 - Judge Sarah Evans Barker, history-maker in Indiana courts
July 5, 2014 - Presidential visits to Indiana
June 28, 2014 - Passenger pigeons and other extinct or endangered birds
June 21, 2014 - Flag of Indy, anthem, 'Indiana' movie and other symbolism
June 14, 2014 - Ask Nelson - and photographer colleague, too
June 7, 2014 - Natural gas boom of 1880s and '90s
May 31, 2014 - Lyn St. James, racing pioneer for women
May 24, 2014 - Courthouse squares across Indiana
May 10, 2014 - Offbeat landmarks across Indiana
May 3, 2014 - Why do buildings look that way?
April 26, 2014 (encore presentation) - Jazz recording heritage in Richmond
April 19, 2014 - Tornado history and storm chasing
April 12, 2014 - Baseball great Carl Erskine of Anderson
April 5, 2014 - Tiffany windows across Indiana
March 22, 2014 - Native plants and early Indiana botanical explorations
March 15, 2014 - Wicked winter history with Paul Poteet
March 8, 2014 - Bobby Plump on Milan's triumph, 60 years later
March 1, 2014 - Madam Walker: her life, business and theater building
Feb. 22, 2014 - 'Ask Nelson' - and Andrea Neal, too
Feb. 15, 2014 - Attucks High School history
Feb. 8, 2014 - Abe Lincoln's parents: Thomas, Nancy Hanks and stepmom Sarah
Feb. 1, 2014 - Families, children, seniors and homeless: outreach heritage
Jan. 25, 2014 - Crown Hill Cemetery history
Jan. 18, 2014 - Indiana's most mysterious county?
Jan. 11, 2014 - World War II veterans remember
Jan. 4, 2014 - Squirrel invasion of 1800s and other quirky episodes
Dec. 28, 2013 (encore presentations) - Union Station history in Indy and Political cartoon heritage: Two classic shows
Dec. 21, 2013 - Victorian-era and ethnic holiday traditions
Dec. 14, 2013 - Indiana during the Ice Age, when mastodons roamed
Dec. 7, 2013 (encore presentation) - Old Northside neighborhood in Indy history
Nov. 30, 2013 - Interviewing tips for family, church and neighborhood histories
Nov. 23, 2013 (encore presentation) - Cafeterias across Indiana
Nov. 16, 2013 - Ask Nelson and Channel 4 children's shows history
Nov. 9, 2013 - Unsavory political episodes in Indiana's past
Nov. 2, 2013 (encore presentation) - Brazilian immigration with artist Artur Silva
Oct. 26, 2013 - Environmental heritage across Indiana
Oct. 19, 2013 - Rabbi Sandy Sasso, pioneer for women clergy
Oct. 12, 2013 - Coliseum and Clowes Hall histories
Oct. 5, 2013 - Amish in Indiana
Sept. 28, 2013 - Interurbans: Their rise and fall across Indiana
Sept. 21, 2013 - On the roads: Lincoln Highway and U.S. 40 heritage
Sept. 14, 2013 (encore presentation) - Cuban immigration to Indiana
Sept. 7, 2013 (encore presentation) - Pioneer music in early Indiana
Aug. 31, 2013 - Winona Lake, Warsaw, orthopedics and Grace College
Aug. 24, 2013 - 'Ask Nelson' and special-events-in-Indy insights
Aug. 17, 2013 - Christ Church Cathedral, Zion and Second Pres in Indy
Aug. 10, 2013 - Ancient people here - and agricultural beginnings in Indiana (encore presentation)
Aug. 3, 2013 - Switzerland County and living on the Ohio River
July 27, 2013 - Historic movie theaters, Act II
July 20, 2013 - Roots-tracing tips and advice
July 13, 2013 - Swedish and Norwegian immigration
July 6, 2013 - Orville Redenbacher and popcorn heritage in Indiana
June 29, 2013 - Underground Railroad reality and myths in Indiana
June 22, 2013 - Centennial in 1916, bicentennial in 2016
June 15, 2013 -
Indy Mayor Greg Ballard on Marines history and 'old' Cathedral High
June 8, 2013 - Former Indy Mayor Bill Hudnut
June 1, 2013 - Lost cemeteries
May 25, 2013 - Historic baseball stadium into apartments
May 18, 2013 - Hollywood icons Red Skelton, Robert Wise and Irene Dunne (encore presentation)
May 11, 2013 - Phil Gulley on Indiana festivals, summer jobs and other things Hoosier
May 4, 2013 - 'Ask Nelson' and more county name origins
April 27, 2013 - Dan Patch, the first superstar racehorse, and True tall tales from Indiana: 2 classic shows
April 20, 2013 - Derek Daly on Indy-car fans overseas, son Conor and more
April 13, 2013 - Jazz recording heritage in Richmond
April 6, 2013 - Governors of Indiana
March 30, 2013 - Frank Lloyd Wright and Indiana houses he designed
March 23, 2013 (encore presentation) - Amelia Earhart and her Indiana connections
March 16, 2013 - Birds across Indiana
March 9, 2013 - Flood of 1913, worst in state history
March 2, 2013 - Hoosier women pioneers in media
Feb. 23, 2013 - What do you do with vacant, historic movie theaters?
Feb. 16, 2013 - Wine heritage in Indiana
Feb. 9, 2013 - Long-forgotten man who designed Indy
Feb. 2, 2013 - Major Taylor, world's greatest bicyclist of early 1900s
Jan. 26, 2013 - Pioneer music in early Indiana
Jan. 19, 2013 - L.S. Ayres & Company history
Jan. 12, 2013 - A Hoosier amid the British royals
Jan. 5, 2013 - Sharing memories in captivating ways
Dec. 29, 2012 - Lincoln's ally, our Civil War governor
Dec. 22, 2012 - Lincoln's youth in Indiana | Historic high school gyms (encore presentations)
Dec. 15, 2012 - Tipton County history and Obama ancestral home
Dec. 8, 2012 - Colombian and Venezuelan immigration to Indiana
Dec. 1, 2012 - History-making sheriff, immigrants to Indy, crusading politico and public gardens
Nov. 24, 2012 - Dan Wakefield on Kurt Vonnegut's letters
Nov. 17, 2012 - Covered bridges across Indiana (encore presentation)
Nov. 10, 2012 - Tee Pee and other drive-ins (encore presentation)
Nov. 3, 2012 - Street names in Indy + Trees, trees, trees (encore presentations)
Oct. 27, 2012 - Cafeterias across Indiana
Oct. 20, 2012 - Landmarks and lyrics across Indiana
Oct. 13, 2012 - If a town is on the state map, he's been there
Oct. 6, 2012 - Hollywood icons Red Skelton, Robert Wise and Irene Dunne
Sept. 29, 2012 - Ancient people here - and agricultural beginnings in Indiana
Sept. 22, 2012 - Unique history of New Harmony
Sept. 15, 2012 - Amelia Earhart and her Indiana connections
Sept. 8, 2012 - Yearbooks: How to use in historical detective work
Sept. 1, 2012 - Architecture around Indy with Jonathan Hess
Aug. 25, 2012 - Carmel city history
Aug. 18, 2012 - Ask Nelson
Aug. 11, 2012 - Tiny towns that refuse to die
Aug. 4, 2012 - Pan Am Games of 1987, Part II
July 28, 2012 - Dog days in Indiana with Patty Spitler
July 21, 2012 - History of Special Olympics, other opportunities for special-needs Hoosiers
July 14, 2012 - Pan Am Games of 1987 with Mark Miles, Bill Benner
July 7, 2012 - David Willkie on grandfather Wendell - and roof-living
June 30, 2012 - Famous fashion designers from Indiana
June 23, 2012 - Civic and business leader Andre Lacy as Living Legend
June 16, 2012 - Polio epidemic during the 1940s and '50s
June 9, 2012 - Very first Hoosiers: ancient people here
June 2, 2012 - Brain chemistry and genetics studies in mental illness, addictions
May 26, 2012 - Cuban immigration to Indiana
May 19, 2012 - Janie and Kindergarten College: pioneers of children's TV (encore presentation)
May 12, 2012 - Remarkable life of Herman B Wells
May 5, 2012 - Thomas Edison's links to Indiana (encore presentation)
April 28, 2012 - Amusement park history in Indiana (encore presentation)
April 21, 2012 - True tales from 1950s Indiana
April 14, 2012 - Broad Ripple neighborhood history in Indy
April 7, 2012 - Dan Patch, the first superstar racehorse
March 31, 2012 - Indiana's remarkable suffragist
March 24, 2012 - Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1965
March 17, 2012 - Ask Nelson
March 10, 2012 - James Alexander Thom and Dark Rain on historical fiction (encore presentation)
March 3, 2012 - Union Station history in Indy
Feb. 25, 2012 - Murder of heiress Marjorie Jackson in 1977
Feb. 18, 2012 - Snow history with weatherman Chris Wright
Feb. 11, 2012 - African-American newspapers across Indiana
Feb. 7, 2012 - Fourth-anniversary party invitation
Feb. 4, 2012 - Sports team loyalties across Indiana
Jan. 28, 2012 - Rev. Jim Jones and Indiana connections
Jan. 21, 2012 - Dan Wakefield on '50s landmarks in Indianapolis
Jan. 14, 2012 - Indiana's youngest mayor on Frankfort history
Jan. 7, 2012 - Old Northside neighborhood history in Indy
Dec. 31, 2011 - Population shifts across Indiana (encore presentation)
Dec. 24, 2011 - [Show was pre-empted.]
Dec. 17, 2011 - Inter-church history in Indy
Dec. 10, 2011 - Holiday seasons with Indiana's only First Family
Dec. 3, 2011 - Hoosiers behind the scenes, girls hoops stars, Indiana poets and dirt roads
Nov. 26, 2011 - Tee Pee and other drive-ins, bygone or surviving
Nov. 19, 2011 - Vincennes history with Lorene Burkhart
Nov. 5, 2011 - He's visited every Indiana town on the map (encore presentation)
Oct. 29, 2011 - Trees, trees and trees
Oct. 22, 2011 - Covered bridges across Indiana
Oct. 15, 2011 - Street names history in Indy
Oct. 1, 2011 - The real-life Little Orphant Annie
Sept. 24, 2011 - Catholic Youth Organization heritage
Sept. 17, 2011 - Irvington neighborhood history in Indy
Sept. 10, 2011 - Butler basketball heritage
Sept. 3, 2011 - Sept. 11 tragedy and Hoosier rescuers
Aug. 27, 2011 - Ask Nelson
Aug. 20, 2011 - Theater history in Indy with Howard Caldwell (encore presentation)
Aug. 13, 2011 - Political cartoon heritage with Gary Varvel
Aug. 6, 2011 - Cowboy Bob: pioneers of children’s TV in Indy, Part 2
July 30, 2011 - City hall 'museum' in Indy
July 23, 2011 - County fairs and Hoosier culture
July 16, 2011 - Negro Leagues baseball and Indy
July 9, 2011 - Amusement park history in Indy
July 2, 2011 - Fall Creek Massacre (encore presentation)
June 25, 2011 - Prohibition in Indiana
June 18, 2011 - Angelo Pizzo on 'Hoosiers,' 'Rudy' and a new movie
June 11, 2011 - Brazilian immigration with artist Artur Silva
June 4, 2011 - Randy Carmichael on his dad Hoagy
May 28, 2011 - Home-front life during the Civil War
May 14, 2011 - Thomas Edison's links to Indiana
May 7, 2011 - Janie and Kindergarten College: pioneers of children's TV
April 30, 2011 - Your house has a history (encore presentation)
April 23, 2011 - Kurt Vonnegut's childhood friend
April 16, 2011 - Library history in Indy
April 9, 2011 - Freedom seekers before the Underground Railroad
April 2, 2011 - James Alexander Thom and Dark Rain on historical fiction
March 26, 2011 - Victorian-era women: behind closed doors
March 19, 2011 - Irish in Indiana
March 12, 2011 - Population shifts across Indiana
March 5, 2011 - Donald Davidson on the Speedway's 100 years
Feb. 26, 2011 - Police history in Indy
Feb. 19, 2011 - Indianapolis City Market then and now
Feb. 12, 2011 - Songs of our ancestors as they journeyed here
Feb. 5, 2011 - Jazz history in Indy with Chuck Workman
Jan. 29, 2011 - Judy O'Bannon on historic preservation
Jan. 22, 2011 - He's visited every Indiana town on the map
Jan. 15, 2011 - Hoosier humor with Dick Wolfsie
Jan. 8, 2011 - Medical treatments of early settlers (encore presentation)
Jan. 1, 2011 - Historic gyms across Indiana
Dec. 25, 2010 - [Show was pre-empted.]
Dec. 18, 2010 - Soaring back to explore WASPs
Dec. 11, 2010 - Beech Grove history - and Steve McQueen to boot
Dec. 4, 2010 - Gene Stratton-Porter, Diana of the Dunes, farm cooking and barns - Live from the Holiday Author Fair
Nov. 27, 2010 - Rare movies with Indiana connections
Nov. 20, 2010 - Kurt Vonnegut's relationship with Indy
Nov. 13, 2010 - Slave trial in 1820s Indiana
Oct. 30, 2010 - House of Blue Lights revisited
Oct. 23, 2010 - Rush County history with Joe Hogsett
Oct. 16, 2010 - Show was pre-empted.
Oct. 9, 2010 - The Titanic and Hoosiers
Oct. 2, 2010 - Indy's oldest Catholic church
Sept. 25, 2010 - Day camp heritage in Indiana
Sept. 18, 2010 - [Show was pre-empted.]
Sept. 11, 2010 - Fall Creek Massacre
Sept. 4, 2010 - Where did your county name come from?
Aug. 28, 2010 - Fairmount town history
Aug. 21, 2010 - Meridian Park neighborhood history
Aug. 14, 2010 - Parks, boulevards systems history in Indy
Aug. 7, 2010 - 2008 presidential election shift in Indiana
July 31, 2010 - Theater history in Indy with Howard Caldwell
July 24, 2010 - Beer heritage in Indiana
July 17, 2010 - Wayne County history
July 10, 2010 - Diners across Indiana
July 3, 2010 - Maestro Raymond Leppard's legendary life
June 26, 2010 - County courthouses, with architect Jim Kienle (encore show, originally broadcast April 25, 2009)
June 19, 2010 - Fishin' across Indiana with Skip Hess
June 12, 2010 - French Lick and West Baden Springs hotels history
June 5, 2010 - Memoirs of farm life in the early 1900s
May 29, 2010 - Your house has a history
May 22, 2010 - Shelby County history
May 15, 2010 - Donner Party tragedy, Indiana links & lessons learned
May 8, 2010 - State parks history
May 1, 2010 - From marble quarries of Italy to Indiana limestone
April 24, 2010 - KKK stranglehold in the 1920s
April 17, 2010 - 1920s auto heritage in Indianapolis (encore show)
April 10, 2010 - WWII fighter pilot from Indiana
April 3, 2010 - Booth Tarkington's magnificent life and home
March 27, 2010 - Brown County history
March 20, 2010 - Indiana's only First Lady
March 13, 2010 - Traveling in time down the White River
March 6, 2010 - Danville town history
Feb. 27, 2010 - Central State Hospital history
Feb. 20, 2010 - Early African-American settlements
Feb. 13, 2010 - Medical treatments of early settlers
Feb. 6, 2010 - Terre Haute in the 1920s
Jan. 30, 2010 - Abe Lincoln Blockbuster preview
Jan. 23, 2010 - Wayne and Kim Seybold on Winter Olympics and Hoosier links
Jan. 20, 2010 - You are invited! Feb. 5 Hoosier History Live! 2nd anniversary soiree
Jan. 16, 2010 - High school hoops' 100 years
Jan. 9, 2010 - K.P. Singh on the Sikh heritage in Indiana
Jan. 2, 2010 - Janet Flanner's colorful and literary life
Dec. 26, 2009 - Winter survival skills of pioneers and Native Americans
Dec. 19, 2009 - Fletcher Place neighborhood history
Dec. 12, 2009 - Victorian-era dining
Dec. 5, 2009 - Steve McQueen, roots tracing, steel-town pix and politicos
Nov. 28, 2009 - Greensburg town history
Nov. 21, 2009 - Birds of Indiana
Nov. 14, 2009 - Johnny Appleseed: The facts and myths
Nov. 7, 2009 - St. Elmo history with Craig Huse
Oct. 31, 2009 - Mike Ahern on House of Blue Lights
Oct. 24, 2009 - James Still on Lincoln, grief and emancipation
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