Hoosier History Live is not created by AI!

We are all real life people doing the writing, researching, interviewing, and editing for Hoosier History Live. Our project includes live radio with call in, audio podcasts, and enewsletter and website. Plus, we are all Hoosiers!
Ways you can support Hoosier History Live:
Like and follow Hoosier History Live on Facebook, and share our posts.
Subscribe to our Hoosier History Live podcasts wherever you get your podcasts, such as Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Call in during the live radio show at 317-788-3314.
Subscribe to our weekly enewsletter at our website, www.hoosierhistorylive.org, under the "Contact us" tab.
Visit the yellow button on our website or enewsletter to support us financially!
Praise for Hoosier History Live's new direction
"I love History History Live, and I'm so pleased that founder and producer Molly Head will be turning her attention in 2024 to making the show's online material more accessible and easily found on a variety of platforms. Molly and the show's superb host Nelson Price have treated us for years to the good, the bad and the quirky aspects of Indiana history, and they've introduced us to a range of Hoosiers about whom we had forgotten, never known or who – for better or worse – we should know. Keep tuning in to WICR (88.7 FM) at noon on Saturdays to listen to Nelson interview his myriad guests and add his own colorful nuggets of history. Out of broadcast range? Stream the show live at the WICR HD1 app on your phone. Then, spend the rest of the week scrolling through the archives to discover stories you missed – and, as a bonus, listen again to your old favorites."
Barbara Olenyik Morrow, author of seven books, most on Indiana history

We'd like to thank the following recent individual contributors who make this show possible. For a full list of contributors over the years, visit Support the Show on our website.
- Ken and Luan Marshall
- Tom Swenson
- Mike Freeland and Sharon Butsch Freeland
- Dr. William McNiece
- Serita Borgeas
- Richard Stroup in memory of Robert W. Stroup
- Bill Connor
- Ann Frick
- Charlotte Ottinger
- John and Florence Stanton
- Peggy Hollingsworth
- Joseph Nield, in memory of history teacher John Michael Glover
- John and Flo Stanton
Please tell our sponsors that you appreciate their support!
Acknowledgements to WICR-FM, Fraizer Designs, Monomedia, Henri Pensis, Maddie Fisher, Austin Cook, and many other individuals and organizations. We are independently produced and are self-supporting through organizational sponsorship and through individual contribution, either online at our yellow button on our newsletter or website, or by U.S. mail. For organizational sponsorship, which includes logos, links, and voiced credits in our podcasts and in our show, please contact Molly Head at (317) 506-7164 or email her at molly@hoosierhistorylive.org.

Your contributions help keep Hoosier History Live on the air, on the web, in your inbox, and in our ARCHIVES!
© 2024 Hoosier History Live. All rights reserved.