What Hoosier History Live continues to do for you

We put on a new live with call in radio show whenever we can! (We are sometimes pre-empted, but hey, it’s not our radio station and we don’t pay the station’s operating costs. WICR 88.7 fm the Diamond is owned and maintained by the University of Indianapolis. And we sure appreciate the opportunity to do a live broadcast!)
Yes, we DO pay for all of our own research and editing, before and after live broadcast. This includes our newsletter, website, podcasts, and social media. Yes, everything we do does come with an expense, including enewsletter, website, and podcast software and we absorb those costs ourselves.
How does Septuagenarian Molly stream the live show or listen to podcasts?
She goes to her phone with a Google search bar and a microphone and says "Play WICR HD 1" and the live show comes up right away. She can do this from noon to one Eastern time on Saturdays to listen to the live show. No radio needed.
She also goes to her phone with a Google search bar and microphone and says "Play Hoosier History Live podcasts" and a list comes up, also like magic. Or she says something like "Play Hoosier History Live Latino Hoosiers" (this was a recent show we did) and the podcast comes up.
By the way, "streaming" is listening to or watching something online, rather than listening to a broadcast on a traditional television or radio. As an example, if you have a smart tv, you might watch "streaming news" rather than news that comes over the air or via cable subscription. All in all, new tech CAN in fact make history more fun and accessible!
Trivia prizes sought
Our "History Mystery" on air contest continues to be very popular! If you are an organization or business that would like to contribute tickets or admissions, please contact our host Nelson at nelson@hoosierhistorylive.org or our producer Molly at molly@hoosierhistorylive.org for instructions.
Prizes must fit in a standard business envelope. Hoosier History Live prefers to "snail mail" prizes to our trivia winners. And If prizes are time sensitive, they need to be offered well in advance of the event so that we can get them out in time.

We'd like to thank the following recent individual contributors who make this show possible. For a full list of contributors over the years, visit Support the Show on our website.
- Bruce and Julie Buchanan
- Sandra Hurt
- Chuck and Karen Bragg
- Ken and Luan Marshall
- Tom Swenson
- Mike Freeland and Sharon Butsch Freeland
- Dr. William McNiece
- Serita Borgeas
- Richard Stroup in memory of Robert W. Stroup
- Bill Connor
- Ann Frick
- Charlotte Ottinger
- John and Florence Stanton
Please tell our sponsors that you appreciate their support!
Acknowledgements to WICR-FM, Fraizer Designs, Monomedia, Henri Pensis, Maddie Fisher, Austin Cook, and many other individuals and organizations. We are independently produced and are self-supporting through organizational sponsorship and through individual contribution, either online at our yellow button on our newsletter or website, or by U.S. mail. For organizational sponsorship, which includes logos, links, and voiced credits in our podcasts and in our show, please contact Molly Head at (317) 506-7164 or email her at molly@hoosierhistorylive.org.

Your contributions help keep Hoosier History Live on the air, on the web, in your inbox, and in our ARCHIVES!
© 2024 Hoosier History Live. All rights reserved.